Quinnipiac University

Center for Religion

Arnold Bernhard Library in the distance through autumn trees

Center for Religion

The Center for Religion works closely with local and international charities, and organizes educational programs, speaker events and experiences based on religious literacy, interfaith dialogue and social justice, both in the community and abroad. A Catholic chapel, which also serves as a generous meeting space here, can comfortably seat 100 people.

By the Numbers

4,600 Square Feet

A space large enough to accommodate all who need it.

2017 Facilities

At 3 years old, it’s one of the newest spaces on the Mount Carmel Campus.


The Center for Religion creates a lifelong connection among different religious traditions by focusing on common bonds and shared values. It fosters respectful, rigorous engagement while considering how local, national and global perspectives affect our view of the world. As Father Jordan says to those who participate: “The only faith you need to bring is good faith.”

What do you get when you combine compassion and action at the Center for Religion? You get CompACTION: Compassion in Action, a vibrant student group that uplifts the community with service projects to make the world a better place. This year, CompACTION is partnering with IRIS, a Connecticut-based nonprofit that helps with refugee resettlement in the United States. Other CompACTION programs include leadership development for real-world skills that are both transferrable and morally meaningful.

At its core, the Center for Religion addresses questions and issues that communities of people have struggled with for thousands of years. By bringing these conversations into a contemporary context, students learn about themselves and their place in the 21st century. One recent program included people who lost loved ones in the mass shooting at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in South Carolina in 2015. The visitors spoke of forgiveness and faith in extraordinary times.

The 6 Vectors of Religious Life

Thoughtful, informed discussions about social issues and causes aren’t limited to the classroom. At Quinnipiac, religious life is focused on growing and nurturing the community. We do more than help individual students find meaning and purpose. We help them develop the skills to make a difference in the world.

When our student service group, CompACTION: Compassion in Action, sponsored a clinic for women and children in Nigeria, a QU student invited a local Nigerian man to speak to the group about his country and culture. As part of the student’s research, he discovered cola nuts play an important role in the traditions of the Nigerian community. So when the guest came to speak, he was presented with a bowl of cola nuts as a symbol of thanks: The one who gives cola, gives life.

The 6 Vectors of Religious Life

  1. Literacy: Learn about different beliefs and perspectives
  2. Advocacy: Discover your voice and use it to help others
  3. Social Justice: Develop your moral and ethical compass
  4. Values: Consider the timeless questions of humankind 
  5. Community: Belong to our community of communities
  6. Perspective: View the world with curiosity and respect
“My passions are influenced by an overarching principle of positive impact whenever possible.” — Iddrisu Awudu, Muslim Religious Life Coordinator

Contact Us

Sister Anne Therese Yuen serves as the Catholic chaplain and is based out of the Catholic Chapel on campus, located in our Center for Religion. For information about Catholic life, contact her at SisterAnneTherese.Yuen@quinnipiac.edu.
University Rabbi g.W. Reena Judd is based at the Peter C. Hereld House for Jewish Life and serves as the Jewish chaplain. For information about Jewish life, contact her at reena.judd@quinnipiac.edu.
Iddrisu Awudu, an associate professor of management, is the Muslim religious life coordinator. The Office of Religious Life has a dedicated prayer room for Muslim students. For more information about Muslim life, contact him at iddrisu.awudu@quinnipiac.edu.
For additional or general information about religious life, contact us at religious.life@qu.edu.