Enhance employee skill sets

Quinnipiac has developed relevant courses designed to address glaring needs in the workforce. These efforts have been completed as part of the Tech Talent Accelerator initiative, which was launched by the State of Connecticut to close technology skill gaps in high-demand areas. 

Working professionals and matriculated students can earn a badge after completing a short course or series of short courses online. These courses are frequently updated and taught by leading faculty and industry professionals. 

Our current offerings — Applied Healthcare Cyber Risk Management, Cybersecurity Risk in FinTech and Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing — enable learners to demonstrate mastery of tactical skills and knowledge of a variety topics such as managing and protecting sensitive data. Learners can apply these badge credits toward a future Master of Science in Cybersecurity if they choose. Quinnipiac also can brainstorm with your company to develop courses and/or badges to match your particular area of interest.